what did revelation 19:10 mean to the people of that day

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What does Babylon mean?

Rictor Norton – Flickr
Ishtar Gate. Pergamon Berlin Museum. before 4 BC

In Babylonian, the word Babylon is divided into 2 separate words:  Bab–ilu, which means the "gate of the gods." The Babylonians kings in the aboriginal world named their city the "gate of the gods" because they believed it to exist the place where the gods communicated with people in order to direct their lives on earth (Judges nine:35; Ruth 4:1; 1 Kings 22:10; Jeremiah 22:three). Thus, the name supported their claim that they had been ordered to rule the world past divine control. Other well known gates in ancient Babylon include the Ishtar Gate and the eighth gate to the inner urban center.

The Hebrew word for Babylon was associated with Balal, which means to confuse by mixing.

In Greek, Babylon was used mainly in the book of Revelation and is divers as well as  "confusion." This discussion, in this context, refers to an evil and persecuting arrangement that volition be somewhen destroyed by God for its wickedness (Revelation 18). It is symbolic of the evil state of affairs just prior to the 2d coming of Jesus Christ (Revelation 19). The Christian denominations agree that the term Babylon is defined every bit a sinful land of apostasy from God and rebellion against His skilful will.

The Tower of Babel

Babylon was the capital of the Babylonia. It was founded past Nimrod (Genesis 10:10; 11:ane–9). At that time, the whole earth had one linguistic communication (Genesis 11:one). From the very get-go, the urban center represented disbelief in the true God and defiance to His will. So, the people said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let united states of america brand a proper name for ourselves, lest nosotros exist scattered away over the face of the whole earth" (Genesis eleven:4–9).

For this reason, the Lord interrupted the building of the tower of Babel and scattered its builders. He said, "permit Us go downwards and at that place confuse their language, that they may not sympathise one some other'due south oral communication. So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the urban center" (Genesis 11:7, viii). By confusing their linguistic communication and thus forcing them to split, God planned to forestall futurity united evil action.

The founders of Babylon planned to prepare a government independent of God, and had He non intervened, they would eventually have succeeded in banishing righteousness from the earth (Daniel 4:17). Upon repeated times since the dispersion of the races at Babel, world leaders have tried, unsuccessfully, to violate the divine prescript of separation.

The prophet Isaiah identified Lucifer as the invisible rex of Babel (Isaiah fourteen:4, 12–14). In fact, Satan designed to make his urban center the center and bureau of his principal program to secure control of the human race, even every bit God purposed to work through Jerusalem. Thus, throughout the Old Testament times, the two cities typified the forces of evil and good at work in the earth.

The rebuilding of Babylon and its destruction

Nebuchadnezzar Ii (born 630—died 561 BC), king of Babylon, rebuilt the ancient city of Babylon. And information technology became one of the wonders of the quondam earth. Information technology was famous for its size, potent walls and gates, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon that he congenital for his wife. This kingdom was situated in ancient Mesopotamia. It was built along both banks of the Euphrates river and thus had its ain water supply. This river watered the many gardens it contained.

Shortly after in the 6th century BC, Nebuchadnezzar II captured Jerusalem, taking prisoners into Babylonian captivity. Among the captives was Daniel, the author of the Book of Daniel in the Bible. King Nebuchadnezzar'due south plan was to brand his kingdom universal and eternal (Daniel 3:1; four:30). This proved to be a success to the extent that, in glory and power, the new Babylonian Empire exceeded its predecessors. However, the king became proud and cruel.

Consequently, God humbled Nebuchadnezzar. And he repented of his evil means (Daniel four). And as a converted sinner, he recognized the righteousness of God and alleged to his people, "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to put downward" (Daniel 4:37).

Merely his successors refused to apprehensive themselves before the Lord. And they trusted in the pagan gods of materialism and worldly power (Daniel v:xviii–22). Eventually, the kingdom was weighed past God in the balances of heaven and establish wanting. And the Lord decreed to the Babylonians, "Your kingdom has been divided, and given to the Medes and Persians" (Daniel five:26–28). And this prophecy was fulfilled right away and the kingdom was dissolved by the Medes and the Persians.

The city of Babylon became one of the capitals of the Western farsi Empire. Later, it was partly destroyed by Xerxes, a Persian male monarch. Finally, the city was further ruined by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. Thus, the Neo-Babylonian Empire gradually lost its importance. The Chaldean Empire was the last to overtake information technology toward the close of the 1st century AD.

And the city ceased to exist just as the Lord predicted: "And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the dazzler of the Chaldeans' pride, will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah" (Isaiah 13:19 too Jeremiah 50:13; 51:37).


The primeval record of the city of Babylon can be plant in a dirt tablet from the reign of Sargon of Akkad (2334–2279 BC). This tablet was found in the ruins of Babylon and dated back to the 23rd century BC. Robert Koldewey, a German archaeologist, was famous for his in-depth excavation of this aboriginal city in modern-mean solar day Iraq. With support from the Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft (German Oriental Society), Koldewey led the digging from 1899 through 1914.

Among the many discoveries of Babylon was the Hammurabi lawmaking past Rex Hammurabi. Some people believed for many years that the Code of Hammurabi was the oldest law. But recently, several much older laws were discovered. Such laws were the Code of Lipit-Isthar which came from Nippur and was published in 1948. This law was written in Sumerian language around one or two centuries before the Lawmaking of Hammurabi and is very like to it (see Was the Mosaic constabulary borrowed from the Babylonian lawmaking of Hammurabi?)

What does the word Babylon mean in Revelation?

The importance of the name Babylon (Acts 3:sixteen) may best exist understood in the role of its historical counterpart in One-time Testament times (Isaiah 47:1; Jeremiah 25:12; l:1; Ezekiel 26:13; Revelation 16:12, 16). The designation "mystery, Babylon" in Revelation 17:5 specifically identifies the name equally figurative (Romans 11:25; Revelation 1:xx; 17:5).

Christians, toward the close of the 1st century Advertizement, referred to the urban center and empire of Rome past this cryptic title (1 Peter 5:xiii). At that time, this once groovy city, laid in ruins (Isaiah 13:19). Its destruction was a clear illustration of the future destiny of mystical Babylon – Satan's kingdom.

E'er since the fall of aboriginal Babylon, Satan has tried, through one earth power after some other, to seize control of the world empires. And he would take succeeded had it not been for God's intervention (Daniel 2:39–43). His almost successful endeavor to overthrow God's church has been through the papal apostasy of the Heart Ages (Daniel seven:25). Simply God prevented the success each fourth dimension in guild to carry on His plans (Revelation 12:5, eight, 16). And the nations have never been able to "cleave" together (Daniel ii:43).

Thus, the give-and-take Babylon today is a symbol of a wicked urban center, which represents the persecuting powers of the world to God'southward children. Information technology refers to the great threefold religious union of the Papacy, apostate Protestantism, and spiritism (Revelation 16:13, 18, 19; 14:eight; 18:2). This word refers to the organizations themselves and to their leaders, not and so much to the members equally such.

The fall of this wicked city would be the beginning of the finish to all evil. "And some other angel followed, proverb, 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, considering she has made all nations potable of the vino of the wrath of her fornication'" (Revelation 14:8). This prophecy of the fall of Babylon finds its last-twenty-four hours fulfillment in the departure of Protestantism from the purity and simplicity of the gospel (Revelation xiv:4). Therefore, Revelation xviii:two–4 proclaims the full downfall of Babylon and calls upon the true-blue who are within the different religious bodies comprising Babylon, to separate from them.

At the close of fourth dimension, Satan will be allowed to achieve a temporary success through the fallen churches (Revelation sixteen:xiii, 14, 16; 17:12–xiv). These churches are described as, "…The woman was arrayed in regal and cherry colour, and decked with aureate and precious stones and pearls, having a gold loving cup in her manus full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead was a proper noun written, Mystery, Babylon The Dandy, The Mother Of Harlots And Abominations Of The Earth" (Revelation 17:4-5). But the Lord will conquer Satan and his fallen religious systems by His glorious actualization at the second coming.


When discovering what the discussion Babylon ways, both literal and spiritual, nosotros tin see that it has long been recognized or associated as the enemy of God's Word and people (Revelation 17:five; 18:24). But the last end of that city and what it resembles volition be accomplished by Christ when He volition destroy all the forces of evil at His coming (Revelation 18:18). And then, God'due south people volition rejoice for the wicked urban center volition be no more than (Revelation 19:xx).

In His service,
BibleAsk Team

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Source: https://bibleask.org/what-does-the-word-babylon-mean-in-the-bible/

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